SIGLUM lecture (in Polish) by Zofia Załęska (IHS UW) ‘Wyrzucony na margines: figura tańczącego Obcego w gotyckich manuskryptach’ (Pushed out to the margin: the figure of a dancing stranger in Gothic manuscripts) will take place on 12 May at 18:00 na platformie Zoom. For registration and links, please send an email to Dance was an integral and vital part of human life in the Middle Ages, and dancing figures were often depicted in the margins of late medieval manuscripts. Members of all social groups were represented in this way: from knights and courtiers through clergy to citizens and peasants. Apart from human […]
SIGLUM lecture (in Polish) by Zofia Załęska (IHS UW) ‘Wyrzucony na margines: figura tańczącego Obcego w gotyckich manuskryptach’ (Pushed out to the margin: the figure of a dancing stranger in Gothic manuscripts) will take place on 12 May at 18:00 na platformie Zoom. For registration and links, please send an email to
The Victoria & Albert Museum in London will be organising an online symposium in early July as a follow-up to the display Fragmented Illuminations: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Cuttings at the Victoria and Albert Museum (extended until 5 June 2022). It will be held over one afternoon to allow for as large an audience as possible to join and participate, from different time zones. Abstracts (max. 300 words), a paper title, and a short biography (max. 150 words) should be sent to Dr Catherine Yvard, at: The deadline for submissions is 6 March 2022. Further details concerning an indicative […]