Registration for Summer Schools 2023 is now open for the following programmes:
- Digital Palaeography Summer School at the University of Göttingen: 24 July – 4 August. Deadline for applications and registration: 31 March. For further details, see Digital Palaeography.
- The Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School offers several courses from 3 to 7 July. For further details and registration form, see Digital Humanities.
- The annual Collection Security Summer School organised by the Consortium of European Research Libraries will take place this year in Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid from 6 to 8 Spetember. For further details, see CERL.
- Diagnosis in Heritage Science: 5. Focus on organic materials at the University of Piza: the workshop will take place on 10-14 July. Deadline for applications and registration: 31 May. For further details, see: Heritage Science.
- London International Palaeography School offers several courses from 5 to 16 June. Further details at: LIPS.
- London Rare Books School offers several courses from 19 June to 7 July. Further details at LBRS Rare Books.
- The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts at the Rutter Training School in Lisbon from 11 to 15 September. Applications can be sent by 30 April. Further details at Rutter Training School.
- Working in Manuscript Studies: Traditional and New Approaches, with a focus on the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition at Universität Hamburg on 4-15 September. Registration for this course is open until 15 March. For further detaiils, see Universität Hamburg.
- Byzantine Epigraphy in Situ at the Centre of Excellence ‘Heritage BG’ from 12 to 15 September. Applications can be submitted by 31 March. For further details, see: Heritage BG.
- Erste Sommerschule für Syrische Sprache und Literatur at the Mommsen Gesellschaft from 24 to 27 July. Applications can be submitted by 31 March. Further details at: Mommsen Gesellschaft.
Check this post for further updates.