Summer schools 2023

Registration for Summer Schools 2023 is now open for the following programmes:

  1. Digital Palaeography Summer School at the University of Göttingen: 24 July – 4 August. Deadline for applications and registration: 31 March. For further details, see Digital Palaeography.
  2. The Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School offers several courses from 3  to 7 July.  For further details and registration form, see Digital Humanities.
  3. The annual Collection Security Summer School organised by the Consortium of European Research Libraries will take place this year in Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid from 6 to 8 Spetember. For further details, see CERL.
  4. Diagnosis in Heritage Science: 5. Focus on organic materials at the University of Piza: the workshop will take place on 10-14 July. Deadline for applications and registration: 31 May. For further details, see: Heritage Science.
  5. London International Palaeography School offers several courses from 5 to 16 June. Further details at: LIPS.
  6. London Rare Books School offers several courses from 19 June to 7 July. Further details at LBRS Rare Books.
  7. The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts at the Rutter Training School in Lisbon from 11 to 15 September. Applications can be sent by 30 April. Further details at Rutter Training School.
  8. Working in Manuscript Studies: Traditional and New Approaches, with a focus on the Ethiopian and Eritrean tradition at Universität Hamburg on 4-15 September. Registration for this course is open until 15 March. For further detaiils, see Universität Hamburg.
  9. Byzantine Epigraphy in Situ at the Centre of Excellence ‘Heritage BG’ from 12 to 15 September. Applications can be submitted by 31 March. For further details, see: Heritage BG.
  10. Erste Sommerschule für Syrische Sprache und Literatur at the Mommsen Gesellschaft from 24 to 27 July. Applications can be submitted by 31 March. Further details at: Mommsen Gesellschaft.

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