Online conference: Opening the Sacred Text: Meaning, Materiality, Historiography
Registration is now open for an online conference “Opening the Sacred Text: Meaning, Materiality, Historiography”. The conference brings together scholars from around the world with the aim "to explore the decorative frontispieces and so-called carpet pages that are a remarkable feature of manuscripts from diverse cultures, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity". The conference will run…
carpet pages, decoration, manuscripts, ornament,
Online lecture: Elizabeth and Mary – Curators Talk, British Library via Zoom
Further to our post on the spiral-lock letters of Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots (, here's an invitation to an online talk by Andrea Clarke and Karen Limper-Herz, the curators of Elizabeth and Mary: Royal Cousins, Rival Queens at the British Library. They will talk about 'how they selected some of the Library’s…
British Library, Elizabeth and Mary, Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots,
Workshop: Editing Late-Antique and Early Medieval Texts. Problems and Challenges II
The University of Milan has announced a call for papers on editing late antique and early medieval texts. The organizers aim at fostering and promoting the exchange of ideas on editing Latin texts, but without excluding possible extensions to the Greek field. The workshop, addressed mainly to young scholars, will take place at the University…
bilingual texts, editing, Greek, Latin,
COVID CODICOLOGY: How to Take a Book Apart, Diagnose Paper, and Classify Metalcuts and Engravings, All From Your Office
William Noel, Associate University Librarian for Special Collections at Princeton University Library, will give a talk on how to work remotely with manuscripts. He will try to show 'what you can do with a couple of computer tools, a bunch of digital images, and some basic metadata'. The lecture will take place online via Zoom…
codicology, digital humanities,