Agnieszka Fabiańska, Ph.D., librarian, codicologist, Head of the Department of Special Collections at the University Library in Warsaw. She obtained an MA in Classics from the University of Warsaw. Following her graduation, she started working in the Manuscripts Department at the National Library in Warsaw where she was in charge of medieval, early modern and modern manuscripts. She is a co-author of the catalogue Biblioteka Narodowa. Katalog rękopisów. Vol. 22: Archiwum Aleksandra Janty-Połczyńskiego sygn. 12784-13023 (A. Fabiańska and Cz. Pomianowska (eds.), Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa 2011).

In 2014 she transferred to the University Library in Warsaw and since then she has been the keeper of manuscripts there. She is currently working on a catalogue of medieval manuscripts from the University Library in Warsaw and conducting research in the area of provenance studies (e.g. ‘Rękopisy ze zbiorów zabezpieczonych w Sobowidzu w zbiorach Bi­blioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie’, in Kolekcje prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej, D. Sidorowicz-Mulak and A. Franczyk-Cegła (eds.), Wrocław 2020, Vol. 2, 255-267).

For the last few years, she has been working on the transmission of Petrus Comestor’s Historia scholastica  manuscripts in Poland and an abridged version of the text, i.e. Historia Veteris et Novi Testamenti (e.g. ‘Średniowieczne rękopisy Historia scholastica Piotra Comestora w Polsce’, in Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 9/2015, 121-147; ‘Historia Veteris et Novi Testamenti: charakterystyka dzieła, metoda pracy jej autora i zarys tradycji rękopiśmiennej utworu’, in Textus et pictura. Średniowieczny kodeks rękopiśmienny jako nośnik treści, znaczeń i wartości artystycznych, M. Jakubek-Raczkowska and M. Czyżak (eds.), Toruń 2019, 53-63). She is a member of a research group, a collaborative project run at the Polish Academy of Sciences at L. & A. Birkenmajer Institute for the History of Sciences.