Barbara Wagner, Associate Professor

Barbara Wagner, associate professor in the Laboratory of Theoretical Aspects of Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw; chemist; M.A. in Arts obtained at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She is interested in developing new, multi-analytical scenarios for the study of elemental and isotopic composition of historical objects. Her research focuses on the use of micro- and non-destructive spectral methods in the material analysis of the sources, applied according to the standard protocols of safety and protection concerning the analysed material.
In 2016, she founded the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Archeometric Research at the University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CNBCh UW) and she has been its coordinator ever since. From the beginning, she has been actively involved in the Polish Distributed Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science project ( Since 1999, as a co-organiser of an annual conference Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków, AChwOZ (, she has popularized interdisciplinary research into historical sources.