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Agata Bareja-Starzyńska, Associate Professor

Agata Bareja-Starzyńska, associate professor at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Mongolist and Tibetologist. Her research interests cover the culture and literature of Mongolia and Tibet with special focus on Buddhism. She conducts multidisciplinary research into the literature, culture and religion, editing the primary sources from the original manuscripts.

She is the author of a monograph on the Tibetan biography of the 17th/18th-century Mongolian Buddhist master (The Biography of the First Khalkha Jetsundampa Zanabazar by Zaya Pandita Luvsanprinlei. Studies, Annotated Translation, Transliteration and Facsimile, Elipsa 2015), and a critical edition and translation of a 16th-century Mongolian Buddhist treatise Ciqula kereglegci by Siregetu guusi corji (in Polish, WUW 2006). She participates in collaborative research projects which involve analysing and critical editing of the Mongolian and Tibetan sources in Poland, including Prof. W. Kotwicz’s archival sources (In the Heart of Mongolia, PAU 2012), a manuscript collection of the Library of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, UW and the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw, and other special collections.

Based on her study of the Mongolian and Tibetan primary sources, she has published articles on Buddhism in Mongolia (e.g. ‘Jebtsundamba Khutugtus of Mongolia’ in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 2018; ‘The Role of Lamyn Gegeen Blo Bzang Bstan ’Dzin Rgyal Mtshan in the dissemination of Tibetan astrology, divination and prognostication in Mongolia’ in Glimpses of Tibetan Divination. Past and Present, Brill 2019).

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4022-6226

