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Paweł Figurski, Assistant Professor

Paweł Figurski, doctor, assistant professor at the Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, and a Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Regensburg. He is also a Postdoctoral Society Alumnus at Trinity College, Cambridge (active membership during 2019-2021). His research focuses on the history of political-theological thought in medieval Europe, and its implications for debates in contemporary political theology. His special interests include premodern kingship, manuscript studies, liturgy, and digital humanities.

Paweł Figurski received his M.A. in history at the Institute of History, University of Warsaw (2011), MTS (Master of Theological Studies) at the Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame (2017), and Ph.D. in history at the Department of History, University of Warsaw (2016). He has been awarded fellowships by the Fulbright Commission, deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture, Garstka Foundation, the Nanovic Institute, Saint John’s University (USA), WWU Münster, Sonderforschungsbereich 496, and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), the Foundation for Polish Science, Polish National Science Center, and Ministry of Higher Education (Poland).

Currently, Paweł Figurski is the Principal Investigator of the project “Liturgica Poloniae. A Descriptive Catalogue of Polish Liturgical Manuscripts (copied until c. 1300)” funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the framework of Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki (2022-27; c. 1,5 mln PLN).

